Gedächtnisallee 5
D-92696 Flossenbürg

+49 9603-90390-0

Aue Subcamp

November 24, 1944 - end of April 1945

  • Aerial photo of the former SS-Leadership School on the Heidelsberg in Aue, 2018 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck). After the war the building housed a primary school. In 2019 it was partially destroyed by a fire.

  • Former prison of Aue (left), today House B of the District Court, 2018 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck)


20 Hungarian Jews (mostly tradesmen)

Forced labor and quarters

Makeshift extension of a disused Hitler Youth home into an SS leadership school. The prisoners were quartered in Aue prison.


Detail leader Krauss and three other SS men

Death toll

There were no fatalities in the Aue subcamp.

Disbanding of the camp / end of the war

At the end of April 1945. Transported by truck in the direction of Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary); from there they joined a death march from Mauthausen to Theresienstadt. Liberated on May 5, 1945.

